Maine Behavioral Healthcare’s Holiday Partners program supports our efforts to provide patients and clients with essential basic items they may need during the cold, and often isolating, winter months of the holiday season.  However, these are also items that patients and clients can use throughout the year. Initially created to raise funds to purchase gift items for Spring Harbor Hospital’s children and adult inpatients, the program has since expanded to include needs identified across our inpatient and outpatient programs and services.


Given our desire to provide for these additional patients we serve, we’ve increased our gift drive fundraising goal to just over $39,000. To meet this increased goal, we will need to rely on the gracious generosity of our wonderfully caring community.  Please make a donation today that will enable us to provide comforting gift items, and some seasonal cheer, to those we are privileged to serve. This year, the Holiday Partners fundraising drive kicks off on November 1st  and runs through December 31st, and features our family-friendly event Making Spirits Bright as yet another way to participate and enjoy helping our patients have a brighter season.

Megan Bagdasarian, Annual Giving Officer

Malcolm Bennett, Development Coordinator

Lisa Bush, Development Officer

Cornell Stinson, Development Director


Contact Us

Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors!

Development Committee

Lucy Tucker, Chair

Katie Banks

Amy Booth 

Sheri Boulos

William Fuller

Tami Goldsmith

Tammy Greenstein 

Susie Marshall 

Jill Metcalf

Robyn Ostrander, MD

Heather Petrlik

Erin Soucy

William Stiles 

Kelly Barton* 

Cornell Stinson*

*Ex Officio

Maine Behavioral Healthcare • Development Office
78 Atlantic Place, South Portland , ME 04106